How to track my Lion Parcel package?
Lion Parcel package tracking is easy with Ordertracker, all you have to do is to paste your tracking number in the above field to track a package or go to the track my package section. We provide you with the most powerful parcel tracking system for any post office. Ordertracker accepts any international tracking number, it is an universal tracking website to track a parcel on a global level such as "track my parcel" with accurate informations about your shipment.
Lion Parcel tracking from USA, Canada and UK
Lion Parcel courier ships to many countries around the world and you can track all packages that are sent through this courier on this site with just a few clicks. When a package is sent to you, the sender must provide you with a tracking number which will then be used on this site to know the status of your delivery and the location of your mail or package.
How long does it take to deliver Lion Parcel ?
The delivery times of Lion Parcel depend on the option chosen when sending the package. The different possibilities are as follows:
- Jagopack: Delivery times are 2 to 4 days for delivery in Indonesia
- One Pack: Delivery takes place the day after shipment to Indonesia
- Regpack: Delivery times are 1 to 2 days for delivery by road in Indonesia
- Interpack: Delivery times are approximately 7 days for international deliveries. This period may vary depending on the country of destination and may extend up to 12 days for countries outside Asia.
- Bigpack: Delivery times are 1 to 2 days for a delivery of a large package in Indonesia
- Docupack: Delivery times are 1 to 2 days for a delivery of documents in Indonesia
How do I contact Lion Parcel ?
The head office is located in Indonesia, at the following address:
- Jl. Agave Raya No. 55, South Kedoya, West Jakarta, 11520
Customer service is available from Monday to Sunday between 7am and 11pm at the telephone number:
- +62-21-22580868
- +62-21-80820072
The email details of the customer service are:
It is also possible to contact Lion Parcel customer service via social networks such as Instagram, Facebook or Linkedin or to send a question directly on the form available on their website.
Information about Lion Parcel deliveries
Lion Parcel is an Indonesian transport and logistics company founded in February 2013. It is part of Lion Group which includes indonesian airline LION AIR based at Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta Airport. LION AIR is the leading airline in the Indonesian market, ahead of the national airline called Garuda Indonesia, which allows Lion Parcel to be very efficient for domestic deliveries. Lion Parcel has more than 7000 partners spread throughout the country. Today, it is considered the most reliable and transparent logistics company in the country. Hundreds of Lion Parcel centers are present in Indonesia. The company offers services for both businesses and individuals. Lion Parcel serves the packages of many customers such as Ikea , aCommerce or Obermain .
The carrier offers different delivery services depending on the urgency of the shipment and the type of package:
- Jagopack: Standard delivery service to and from Indonesia. A surcharge on the initial price of the service is required for packages weighing more than 5 kg. Delivery is not available on Sundays and public holidays. General goods can be sent with this service but also some dangerous categorized goods. This service is available throughout Indonesia.
- Regpack: Express delivery service to and from Indonesia. Delivery is not available on Sundays and public holidays. General goods can be sent with this service but also some dangerous categorized goods. This service is available throughout Indonesia.
- Bigpack: Delivery service for large packages, it concerns packages over 10kg. It is not possible to send more than 5 packages at a time. Delivery is not available on Sundays and public holidays. General goods can be sent with this service but also some dangerous categorized goods. This service is only available in select cities in Indonesia.
- Docupack: Document delivery service, the package must be less than 1.9 kg. Delivery is not available on Sundays and public holidays. This service is only available in select cities in Indonesia.
- Interpack: Delivery service for international shipments. Delivery is not available on Sundays and public holidays. General goods can be sent with this service but also dangerous goods of class 3 (perfumes). 9 countries are served with this option:
- West Malaysia (Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Penang, Perak, Perlis, Selangor, Terengganu, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya)
- East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak)
- Singapore
- Taiwan (Taipei)
- Hong Kong
- Philippines (Manila)
- Thailand (Bangkok)
- Vietnam (Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh)
- Japan (Tokyo and Osaka)
- Brunei
- United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi and Dubai)
- Onepack: Service for urgent shipments, delivery takes place the next day. Delivery is not available on Sundays and public holidays. It is not possible to send dangerous categorized goods with this option. Delivery is refunded if receipt does not take place the next day. This service is available for delivery to the following destinations:
- Sumatra: Aek Godang, Agam, Bengkulu, Binjai, Batam, Banda Aceh, Bukit Tinggi, Dumai, Jambi, Deli Serdang, Gunung Sitoli, Medan, Karo, Labuhan Batu, Lubuk Linggau, Lhokseumawe, Meulaboh, Padang, Pangkal Pinang, Pariaman, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Sibolga, Simeulue, Serdang Bedagai, Solok, Silangit, Riau, Tanjung Pandan, Lampung, Tanjung Pinang, Pematang Siantar, Takengon, Tebing Tinggi.
- Java: JABODETABEKCIK, West Bandung, South Bandung, Serang, Banyuwangi, Batang, Boyolali, Blora, Cianjur, Ciamis, Cirebon, Cilacap, Demak, Garut, Gresik, Grobogan, Gunung Kidul, Indramayu, Jember, Jepara, Yogyakaarta, Jombang, Kebumen, Kediri, Kendal, Klaten, Kudus, Kolaka, Majalengka, Karawang, Pemalang, Lamongan, Lumajang, Madiun, Malang, Magelang, Magetan, Muntilan, Mojokerto, Ngawi, Pati, Pacitan, Pekalongan, Pamekasan, Pasuruan, Ponorogo, Purwakarta, Purwokerto, Probolinggo, Sampang, Salatiga, Surabaya, Sukabumi, Solo, Semarang, Sumedang, Sumenep, Tegal, Tasikmalaya, Tulungagung, Tuban, Wates, Wonogiri, Wonosobo, Subang, Klaten.
- Borneo: Banjarmasin, Berau, Balikpapan, Kotabaru, Ketapang, Pangkalan Bun, Palangkaraya, Pontianak, Sampit, Samarinda, Singkawang, Tanjung Selor, Tabalong, Tanah Laut, Tarakan.
- Bali: Buleleng, Denpasar, Tabanan.
- Sulawesi: Bau-Bau, Bulukumba, Bitung, Gorontalo, Kendari, Kotamobagu, Palopo, Luwuk, Manado, Mamuju, North Minahasa, Melonguane, Nabire, Tahuna, Palu, Tomohon, Poso, Raha, Kolaka, Raha, Toli-Toli, Makassar, Wakatobi.
- Moluccas: Ambon, Buli, Dobo, Labuha, Namlea, Morotai, Saumlaki, Ternate, Tobelo, Tual
- Ntb and Ntt: Atambua, Alor, Bajawa, Bima, Ende, Kupang, Labuan Bajo, Larantuka, Lombok, Maumere, Rote, Sumbawa, Waikabubak, Waingapu.
- Papua: Jayapura, Fak-Fak, Kaimana, Merauke, Manokwari, Nabire, Sorong, Wamena, Timika.
Lion Parcel has a mobile application to know the delivery status of the package as well as the date and time scheduled for delivery.
Delivery costs are usually less than US$3 for standard delivery in Indonesia and can exceed US$25 for packages over 10kg. The price of international shipments depends on the country of destination but it is on average 5 US dollars. The price of the urgent delivery option for a next day reception is 8 US dollars.
The tracking number of a Lion Parcel delivery
The Lion Parcel tracking number format consists of a series of numbers. Generally, it has between 10 and 20 digits, for example 1120648891524. This one can contain more characters and also letters.
The different LIONPARCEL tracking states